Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Freshest Freshest Freshest

So, I've begun getting interested in fitness, something that escaped me in my 20s, chain smoking. Several years and 2 kids later, I find myself at 32 and wanting to get "healthy". This implies I want to just get healthy, but truth be told I want to get skinny too. I hate exercise, but I give it a shot- one of those couch potato to 5k workout training schedules. Because my husband is getting into running I think I will give it a try too. reluctantly at first, when I can't run 1 minute without feeling like I'll throw up... But within 2 months, I was running 2 miles, with 2 minutes of walking in there.

Now I've been actively been training since last fall, and I've completed my first race (Holyoke St Patty's Day 10k) and a few 5ks.
But I want to go further. I want to run a half marathon. And then maybe it would be better to look into Triathalons- which look like a fun alternative to a marathon?

So here I am, new shoes in hand, just got a racing suit, and my road bike is coming in next week.
I'm going to try and keep track of my daily exercise regimen, and how the body changes, what works and what doesn't...

I ran a 10 mile run 2 days ago and felt completely delirious at the end. I actually cried a little bit... thinking " My Dad would be so proud of me", One moment later the realization came that I was really the one proud of me....

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Happy New year Everyone!

I swore I didn't have any New Year's resolutions this year, but here we are, almost mid January, and I've been going like gangbusters to the gym.
Smells like a resolution to me.
I also decided to chart my diet- because then I can't pretend that those 4 doughnuts didn't exist because they were eaten by myself at 10:30am.
And then there's the fact that my husband, we'll call him GARY ( that's not his real name. But it's kind of a funny name and it's my damn blog) is in fantastic shape. He runs 4-5miles 3+ times a week and looks really good doing it. How long would it be before he takes notice of my winter lunch lady arms and saddle bags?
Gary only started running a little over a year ago, and I've seen how happy he is doing it, and what a great effect it has on his body. SO, I decided this is the year to start really concentrating on my health. Not so much my body, although I have to admit I'm vain enough that looking svelte at 32 does appeal to me.

Part of the problem with lower carb food is that they are packed with sodium, cholesterol, and don't have much fiber. I'll be trying to share recipes that I've found that are good, and healthy.

I found a recipe for these Turkey Burgers on food network. They have ground turkey, parsley, Cumin and Green olives. And when served hot, they are delicious, very low fat and high protein.
Eaten cold with a cup of coffee they are gross.

Free Antibiotics!

Every once in a while I get seriously annoyed by the stream of commercials bombarding me on the tv or radio. I mean, I listen to the radio to help destress, relax and daydream! Music fuels my mood, and precious and few are the moments that go by, free of, " Mommy? Mommy? Mom? Mommy?" So when I get them, I savor.
I was on the way home from the mall with my daughter yesterday and this station was doing everything right. Each song was better then the last, packed full of memories, and the DJ was building momentum.
Cut to the commercials, and right in the middleblah blah blah chatter yada yada yada


Now, don't get me wrong. I like to fight an infection like ANY other girl. But what ever happened to double coupons? 5 cents off a gallon of gas? 10 for 10?

I suppose we all have sinus infections, UTIs and the like and can use these at one time or another. But the implication was that we are just a bunch of infected bargain hunters.

Then a Prince song came on, and I was back in business.

But... IF you are an infected bargain shopper: http://www.stopandshop.com/antibiotics